“There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature – the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.”
The words of the American conservationist Rachel Carson ring true for us all during these uncertain times. We may be confused by what is happening around us, but one thing that is certain is the continuous cycle of nature and the change of the seasons. While we are strongly encouraged to stay local to our primary residence, this seems to be the perfect time to explore the natural world around us, whether this be your back garden, balcony or the local park.
Surrey Wildlife Trust manages over 700ha of land for the people and wildlife in Surrey. They aim to inspire and connect local communities and young people to care for wildlife where they live. Many species are in danger or under threat of extinction; their mission is to restore nature across the county. However, it is not only nature that can be restored, but us too. There are clear mental and physical health benefits to be had by regularly spending time outdoors.
Jo Foat at Surrey Wildlife Trust explained that there is not one single way to connect with the natural world. “I think connecting with nature is a very personal thing and so everyone will do it differently. It’s the amazing thing about nature, we are all a part of it, not separate as we sometimes think.
People connect with nature and at the same time with themselves. It is reassuring to know that nature is constant, calming and peaceful, when all normality around us has changed and there is fear and anxiety about our future.”
Surrey Wildlife Trust have recently launched their 30 Days Wild for 1st June 2020. Why not sign up online for your free pack and join thousands of people taking part in the annual challenge? The challenge gives you hundreds of different ways to connect with nature all while giving you a greater sense of hope and happiness. On the website you will find a wide variety of free and inspirational activities all available to download.
Surrey Wildlife Trust explained that this year all the amazing resources will be available exclusively online and include a family pack, education pack and care home pack. Downloads include a colourful wall chart, a wild bingo game, colour-in window poster and a passport log-book with ideas to record wonderful wild actions – including crafting with nature or going plastic-free for a day, to taking action for bugs, bees and butterflies in your garden.
Charlotte Magowan, Marketing and Communications Manager at Surrey Wildlife Trust, said:
“Our 30 Days Wild campaign is designed to lift the spirits under lockdown and harness the power of nature’s wonder and healing at this time. Whether it’s family activities, learning more about the natural world, or relaxing outdoors, we’ve got something for you.
Being outside and connecting with nature is so important for us all mentally and physically. Nature can be healing and make us realise just how important it is for us to give it a helping hand in return too. Every small action can help reverse nature’s decline, so whether you put food out for hedgehogs, build a bug hotel or make a wildflower patch in your garden, everyone can play a part.”
To sign up now for your free promotional pack, visit www.surreywildlifetrust.org/30dayswild
You can follow Surrey Wildlife Trust @surreywt
All photos in this article are credited to Surrey Wildlife Trust.