Ramster Garden

Ramster Garden

Member for 4 years
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Ramster Hall, Petworth Road, Chiddingfold, Surrey, GU8 4SN
01428 654167

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Created May 2021
Updated May 2021
Ramster Garden

Ramster Garden

Ramster Garden is a much celebrated spring garden situated just outside Chiddingfold in Surrey.

The season starts with flowering ancient magnolia trees and towering bushes of camellias, with drifts of daffodils and primroses underneath. Carpets of bluebells then follow and over 300 different varieties of rhododendrons and azaleas come into bloom putting on a stunning show of colour.

Ramster Garden is also one of the best places to see autumn colour. Spectacular autumn sights including the amazing acers which are renowned for their seasonal display of fiery shades of reds and russets.

Explore the winding paths around the tranquil 20-acre historic woodland garden to discover beautiful plants, trees, hidden sculptures and natural carvings.

There is a lovely outside seating area at the Tea House where you can enjoy a range of delicious sandwiches, cakes and drinks including Ramster’s own blend of coffee.

Opening times 2021:

12th March – 13th June (open daily) 10am – 5pm
16th June – 31st October (Wed – Sun) 10am – 4pm

For garden entry prices please check the website.

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