Rose Collection

Rose Collection

Member for 6 years
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380 Vale Road, Ash Vale, Aldershot, Surrey GU12 5NJ

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Created April 2019
Updated August 2020
Rose Collection

Rose Collection

The Rose Collection offer a premium collection of uPVC vertical sliding sash windows to properties in the UK. With over 25 years of manufacturing experience, we are experts in our field. In 1985 we made the first uPVC sliding sash window in the UK, and to this day we continue it as our speciality. We offer three ranges, the Ultimate Rose, Heritage Rose and Charisma Rose. With such a bespoke range, we’ll have the perfect window for your property. We focus on excellent customer service with secure and energy efficient windows for both residential and commercial properties. With 7 showrooms in the South of England, visit us today to see our exclusive range of sliding sash windows.

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