Taylor Grey Home

Taylor Grey Home

Member for 6 years
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Court Farm Garden Centre, Old Kingston Road, Tolworth, KT4 7QH

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Created October 2018
Updated August 2020
Taylor Grey Home

Taylor Grey Home

Taylor Grey Home was started in 2016 as an outlet for a hobby of ours. We have a passion for old rustic furniture and had been really enjoying refurbishing pieces for our own home. Sadly we ran out of room for our projects, so we decided to start a small business selling refurbished furniture in order to keep our hobby going.

Taylor Grey Home has grown from strength to strength and we could not be more proud of our ‘baby’. We now have a showroom at Court Farm Garden Centre where we can showcase our pieces with viewings by appointment.

We source rustic items from the UK and across Europe and our biggest sellers are farmhouse tables. Feel free to contact us, if you are looking for something in particular.

We believe old rustic furniture looks great in any style of home and gives a room complete individuality.

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