Exercising During Lockdown with Fitness Space, Epsom

Published 27 Apr 2020
Updated 30 Jun 2022
Surrey Feature

Exercising During Lockdown with Fitness Space, Epsom

During lockdown we have all been reminded of the importance of exercise for our mental and physical health.

There are clearly two distinct camps: those who miss exercise and those who don’t even know where to begin. Yes, we all know it is important for our well-being, but where do you even begin to exercise during Lockdown, especially when you are only allowed out once a week?

I spoke to Personal Trainer, Melissa Holman, at Fitness Space,Epsom about exercising during lockdown, whether you are a fitness fanatic who is missing the gym, or a nervous beginner who has no idea where or how to start.

Melissa is a refreshingly honest Personal Trainer telling us, “fitness hasn’t only helped with my physical health, but my mental health too. I have struggled with my body image for 12 years, but I can honestly say that as little as just keeping your body moving – may it be running, stretching, hitting a step target – will really make you feel so much better about yourself. Everyone is unique and your goals are what make you, you!”

Go Surrey: Hello, Melissa! Could you tell us a bit more about how your gym is working during the current lockdown?

Melissa: While we’ve had to close our gym floor, we continue to operate virtually across various platforms such as Zoom, Instagram and Facebook.

We have two Personal Trainers running classes, 1:1 sessions and have retained our external instructors for Yoga and Pilates.

Our members continue to get many benefits such as virtual PT sessions and home workout programs on our apps, but we also believe in a thriving healthy community, so we continue to serve our non-members as well – some of our home workouts and classes are offered on Instagram which is accessible to all. Find us @fsepsom.

Go Surrey: What advice do you have for exercising at home?

Melissa: Anything that keeps your body moving is great! Stretching, hitting a step target, pushing yourself a little every day.

If you want to create a specific home workout, we recommend finding an area with plenty of space to move or use your garden if you have one. Exercise in the garden can consist of any form of cardio, sprints and jogging.

If you are confined to a smaller space, static exercises are great, such as push ups, squats, the plank and so on. You can take a look at our Instagram where we post home workout ideas almost daily @fsepsom.

Go Surrey: What should a beginner do if they want to use this time to get fit?

Melissa: This is a great time for people who now have time or inclination to take care of themselves – don’t overthink it, just start doing it and make a commitment.

Keep your body moving, increase your step count, go for a short jog, perform some body weight exercises at home. Just say to yourself: “I will do this every day for a week, then 2 weeks and so on – notice the changes in sleep, stress levels, nutrition habits and mood. Exercise really does heal everything!”

Go Surrey: What is your advice to someone who is used to training regularly but is now finding self-motivation difficult?

Melissa: Motivation is as important as ever at the moment. The key is to create a new routine and build in the workouts. Our members can have a consultation with our PTs to discuss what equipment/space they have at home and then we adjust their program on the app so that they stay on track with their goals.

If anyone has a question, they can reach out to us @fsepsom and we will post some great alternatives. This is a time of lots of changes, so routine and commitment is key – make a conscious decision to maintain what you’ve already achieved and use this time to continue investing in yourself. We only get one body and mind so we must prioritise our wellness.

Go Surrey: Do you have any final thoughts for our readers?

Melissa: Our goal is to create a community that positively thrives on good health and wellness. We have created a personal, friendly and premium wellness service which is suitable for everyone. We continue to work towards this despite the current challenges – we encourage everyone to get involved and contact us if you need any advice, help or motivation.

Thank you to Melissa @fsepsom. Fitness Space has gyms across Surrey and London, including Guildford, Woking, Wimbledon and Chertsey.

Let us know if you have any hints or tips on how to exercise while in lockdown!

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