Surrey charity calls for people to step up to make theatre accessible for all

Surrey charity calls for people to step up to make theatre accessible for all

Published 3 years ago
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The Barn, Drewshearne, Crowhurst Lane End, Oxted RH8 9NT
01372 278021
Surrey charity calls for people to step up to make theatre accessible for all

Surrey charity calls for people to step up to make theatre accessible for all

Head2Head Sensory Theatre, a voluntary led charity based in Oxted, Surrey, is calling upon hero fundraisers to step up and join the battle to make theatre accessible to all by taking part in an inclusive challenge to clock up 22km in steps this February. 

Money raised in the 22k for 22 StepUp challenge will help to support a new production for the special needs community called Odie’s Odyssey – a roaming relaxed and interactive performance created especially for an audience with SEND and disabilities.  In addition to this the funding will help recruit special needs students in the charity’s ground breaking Work Experience Programme. 

Taking part in the challenge is as simple as 1,2,3:  

1) Set up a JustGiving page. by visiting the page.  

2) Create a social media buzz to help drive traffic to your page. Share your page link with your friends and family. Take photos and tag and share them with @h2htheatre using hashtag #StepUp4H2H 

3) Most of all, have fun and enjoy being active for yourself and for a good cause. 

Anni Rhodes Steere, Founder of Head2Head Sensory Theatre said: “We don’t care how you step up to the challenge. There are so many ways to move, you can walk, dance, run, wheel or cycle it. We want everyone to enjoy the experience of staying active and getting outdoors whilst helping us to raise funds for a community very often deprived of the magic of theatre. Be our hero in 2022.” 

For more information please contact or call 01372 278021. 

Click here to download a poster for your school or community here. 

Head2Head Sensory Theatre is a special needs charity, based in Oxted, Surrey, which is at the forefront of creating inclusive theatre opportunities for children and young people with a wide range of disabilities. 

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