Surrey General Election 2017

Published 20 May 2016
Updated 3 Jul 2022
Surrey Feature

Surrey General Election 2017

It’s coming up to polling day so here are some basic information you should know:–

Who’s standing for election in my Surrey constituency?

You can find a full list of candidates for each Surrey (and South West London) constituency in our Election Hub –

Registering to vote and the deadline –

To vote in person at the General Election on 8th June 2017, you need to register by 11:59pm on 22 May 2017. To vote by post it’s 5pm on Tuesday 23rd May 2017. To vote by proxy it’is 5pm on Wednesday 31st May 2017.

You don’t need to register again if you’ve already registered.

Find more information by heading to

What date and time do the polls open on election day?

Election day is on Thursday 8th June 2017. Polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm.

Where do I go to vote?

If you are voting in person, your polling card will tell you which polling station you will need to go to vote at. The address will be printed on your polling card.

What about if I vote by post?

If you are registered to vote by post you will receive a postal vote around 10 days before polling day.

What time are the results?

Usually, an exit poll is released around 10pm giving an indication of the result. Results will trickle in over the course of the early hours of Friday 9th June, and later if there are any issues with the count.

How are the parties doing in the polls?

Below is a snapshot of the UK wide polls from Britain Elects Poll of Polls. Remember that this is just a snapshot of national polls.

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