Surrey’s 116,000 smokers offered free specialist help to quit with 28 day Stoptober challenge

Published 30 Sep 2020
Updated 3 Jul 2022
Surrey Feature

Surrey’s 116,000 smokers offered free specialist help to quit with 28 day Stoptober challenge

The estimated 116,000 smokers in Surrey will be able to access free specialist assistance to help them quit as part of the annual Stoptober programme.

Stoptober, the 28-day stop smoking campaign from Public Health England, begins again on 1 October. It has driven over 1 million quit attempts to date and is the biggest mass quit smoking attempt in the country. It is based on research that shows that if you can stop smoking for 28-days, you are five times more likely to stay smoke-free for good.

The 28 Day Challenge being run in the region by the One You Surrey programme, which includes access to its online and telephone support service. It is based on a system designed at the University of California and is evidence-based and supported by research. Participants who sign up will receive regular support calls from a team of specialist ‘Quit Coaches’ and can be supported with nicotine replacement therapy if necessary, to give participants the best chance of going smoke-free for good. Participants have been shown to be up to four times more likely to quit smoking with the support of One You Surrey.

“Statistics show us that around 68% of regular smokers want to quit. That means there could be around 79,000 smokers in Surrey who want to give up. This 28 day programme gives them the perfect opportunity to do so,” explains Barcley West, Referral Generation Officer at One You Surrey.

“We have already seen with previous participants that within 48 hours your ability to taste and smell improves; breathing becomes easier and energy levels increase after 72 hours; after a month, your appearance improves, and between three and nine months after stopping coughs and breathing problems improve as your lung function is increased by up to 10%. It’s got to be worth giving it a go.”

Recent studies have also shown that more than a third of us put on weight during lockdown and more than a quarter drank more. This means that, against the backdrop of the second Covid wave, there has never been a better time to begin improving your health, fitness and wellbeing in other ways. One You East Sussex offers other programmes for local residents around weight management, eating more healthily, reducing alcohol intake and becoming more physically active.

Anyone interested in quitting smoking with the support of One You Surrey can call them on 01737 652168 or sign up at

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