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Free independent service, designed to help residents of Mole Valley with their next job hunt
The Mole Valley Employment & Skills Hub – MV Hub – is a free independent service, designed to help residents of Mole Valley with their next job hunt. The MV Hub offers friendly support and advice to residents on all aspects of job searching.
The MV Hub can also assist local businesses with their recruitment needs, connecting employers, training providers and education opportunities to local residents who are actively searching for their next role.
The MV Hub is run by a small and friendly team of experienced and professional Employment & Skills Advisors from Surrey Life Long Learning Partnership. Between them they have decades of experience in training, recruitment and employment. The Advisors have been operating virtually since April 2021 and face-to-face in the Swan Centre in Leatherhead since July 2021.
What can the MV Hub do for you?
If you are a resident of Mole Valley, the MV Hub will be able to help you virtually or face-to-face through pre-booked or walk-in appointments. They can guide you through your job search and provide supportive advice, as well as practical tips for completing job applications, writing a CV and preparing for an interview. They can also provide information on work-related training, linking you up to apprenticeships, traineeships, work trials, Kickstart schemes, as well as individual job vacancies.
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