Sutton Community Farm

Sutton Community Farm

Member for 3 years
Community Farm

Social Media


Limited Company
Company No. IP032202


Created June 2022
Updated June 2022
Sutton Community Farm

Sutton Community Farm

Community Farm

We are a community-owned mixed crop vegetable farm growing veg according to organic principles.

We sell our veg via a not-for-profit VegBox scheme. Sutton Community Farm exists to improve wellbeing and enhance community through people-powered food production that is good for people and planet.

We are a 7 acre organic veg farm in Sutton, south London.

We grow and sell fruit and veg via our online shop and we deliver throughout south London and Surrey.

Everything we sell has been grown in harmony with nature following sustainable farming methods.

Our fruit and veg is fresh, seasonal and tasty. Volunteers are the heart and soul of our farm and we are always looking to welcome more people to get involved.

We welcome volunteers Monday – Thursday, and some Saturdays.

Volunteers can get involved in crop production or VegBox packing, and the average length of volunteer session is 3 hours.

We provide volunteers with tea and toast, and we can reimburse travel expenses for those on low-incomes.

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