ICT Manager

ICT Manager

Vacancy Posted 2 years ago
Job Vacancy
Employer: Hazelwood School
Deadline: 28/11/2022
Salary: Up to £45,000 depending on qualifications and experience
Contract: Permanent
Location: Tandridge
ICT Manager

ICT Manager


To take overall responsibility for the management and strategic development of the ICT infrastructure across the school, ensuring the safe and efficient running of all ICT systems, in order to maintain a high-quality provision for staff and pupils. You will be responsible for all ICT hardware and software, servers, storage management, security, disaster recovery/business continuity.


Strategy & Planning

  • Work with the school leadership team on ICT strategic planning and take overall responsibility for the management and development of the infrastructure of the school’s ICT network, liaising with key staff to ensure that ICT services meet curriculum and office needs. · Investigate and support the development and implementation of ICT in the national curriculum, including E-learning in close consultation with the Director of Teaching and Learning and Designated Safeguard Lead and the Head of Innovation
  • Have an overall view of the capabilities of the school’s ICT services and contribute to continuous improvement to meet future needs to ensure competent and forward-thinking development of ICT.
  • Keep abreast of new technological developments in ICT and present proposals with recommendations to senior leadership which would benefit the school.
  • Plan for major developments of the ICT service and project manage their implementation in the form of a medium and long-term digital strategic plan

Budget & Line Management

  • In conjunction with senior leadership within the school, contribute to the ICT budget planning process to ensure most effective and efficient use of available funds
  • Provide advice to staff on appropriate hardware and software purchases to ensure that available budget is used effectively and efficiently.
  • Liaise with appropriate staff to order equipment and software, deal with suppliers regarding ICT related business, including leading the tendering process for ICT related products; and to manage the central ICT equipment budget economically.
  • Line manage and take responsibility for the work of the Data Manager to ensure they carry out their duties effectively and receive adequate support, guidance and training in order to provide a high-quality ICT support service.

Desktop & Applications Support / Server & Network Support / Configuration & Installation

  • Investigate and support the implementation of ICT in the curriculum, including eLearning in close consultation with the Director of Teaching and Learning and the Head of Innovation.
  • Manage the installation, configuration, maintenance and upgrading of the school’s networked systems, software, and applications.
  • Manage user accounts, servers, workstations, routers, switches; diagnose faults and problems and carry out remedial action, including repair of servers, liaising with suppliers and their technical teams when required, to maintain an effective service on the school site.
  • Provide school network support for PASS and manage the installation, upgrade, and configuration of PASS software on both the school sites, providing technical support to key PASS users as required.
  • Perform advanced diagnostic procedures on hardware, peripherals and applications as required.
  • Ensure safe and reliable running of the ICT infrastructure in order that the integrity and security of the network is always maintained, including ensuring that a full disaster recovery programme is in place.
  • Manage all systems of electronic communication and access for students and staff on the school networks, ensuring security of files and appropriate access to systems.
  • To be the key contact when network service is disrupted/during upgrades to minimise disruption to users.
  • To be the main point of reference for day-to-day eventualities and to manage the response system to deal with network queries and problems in order to limit user frustration by ensuring that queries are dealt with promptly.
  • Support staff and students in the use of ICT equipment and peripherals, answering queries and demonstrating correct usage of specific programmes/systems, in order to ensure that all users can access relevant services/equipment.

Health & Safety and other Policies

  • Comply with and assist with the development of policies and procedures relating to health, safety and security, confidentiality, and data protection, investigating issues and making recommendations for change to senior school leadership.
  • Responsible for maintaining the school’s overall compliance with the Data Protection and Freedom of Information Acts, ensuring that the school is acting responsibly and legally with respect to copyright, computer misuse and data protection and acting in a advisory capacity as a point of reference for staff on enquiries relating to the release of information.
  • To plan for and implement (as necessary) appropriate Emergency and Business Continuity Plans
  • To lead on the production of risk assessments for areas of responsibility


  • Participate in training and other learning activities and performance development as required.

The list of duties in the job description should not be regarded as exclusive or exhaustive. There will be other duties and requirements associated with your job and, in addition, as a term of your employment you may be required to undertake various other duties as may reasonably be required.

Your duties will be as set out in the above job description but please note that the School reserves the right to update your job description, from time to time, to reflect changes in, or to, your job.

You will be consulted about any proposed changes.

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