Wardrobe Supervisor

Vacancy Posted 3 years ago
Job Vacancy
Deadline: ASAP
Salary: £2500
Contract: Contract
Location: Surrey Heath
Wardrobe Supervisor

Wardrobe Supervisor

Fee £2500 for full contract

We’re looking for a fun, friendly, competent and enthusiastic person to join the team of Jack and the Beanstalk this year. The ideal candidate would need to have good communication skills, experience with costume alterations, costume management, quick changes and be able to multitask during a show.

The job will involve (but not limited to):

  • Costume alterations,
  • Costume distribution,
  • Washing and ironing,
  • Quick changes during the show
  • Side of stage repairs and requests from the other members of the production team.

If you are interested in applying for this job please submit a CV and contact Nick Duncan, Senior Technician on Nick.duncan@surreyheath.gov.uk

How to apply?

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