Calendar Girls the Musical

Event Posted 2 years ago
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Camus Productions
£16.50 - £20.50
Wednesday 7th June 2023 to Saturday 10th June 2023
Camberley Theatre, Knoll Road, Camberley
Calendar Girls the Musical

Calendar Girls the Musical

CALENDAR GIRLS the musical by Gary Barlow, based on the play Calendar Girls written by Tim Firth and on the motion picture of the same name written by Time Firth and Juliette Towhidi is the true story of a group of ordinary ladies who achieved something extraordinary.

The story began in 1998 when John Baker, husband of Angela Baker, was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, a type of blood cancer. John sadly passed away after just a few months of treatment, but in the months following their loss, Angela and her friends set about creating the now infamous calendar.

Blasting away all preconceptions of what it is to be in a Women’s Institute, the girls decide to do an artistic nude calendar to raise money for charity. Upturning preconceptions is a dangerous business and none of them expect the emotional and personal ramifications, but gradually the making of the fabulous and funny calendar bring each woman unexpectedly into flower.

Through sales of calendars, the group aimed to raise enough money to buy a new sofa for the hospital where John was treated and were amazed when the calendar attracted international press attention.

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