All information, media, and links for the Fashion Show in aid of Puttenham Church of England Infant School event listing have been supplied and/or are owned by the organisation (Fashion Show in aid of Puttenham Church of England Infant School) itself, including all copyright, media rights, and trademark usage. The Fashion Show in aid of Puttenham Church of England Infant School event listing has been published in good faith on Go Surrey by the Go Surrey team, who have not independently verified any of the information provided. Third-party copyright property, including logos, branding, and names, are the property of the respective third party. If you notice any incorrect information, please contact us.
Fashion Show in aid of Puttenham Church of England Infant School
With Greyfriars Vineyard
Friday 20th March 2020
Marwick Hall, School Lane, Puttenham, Guildford GU3 1AS
Tickets £5.00 (+£0.42 booking fee) from
Includes show, glass of Greyfriars Vineyard wine and opportunity to try and buy this season’s High Street and Branded ladies fashions AT DISCOUNTED PRICES.
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