Festive Fizz & Christmas Shopping Weekend at Albury Vineyard

Festive Fizz & Christmas Shopping Weekend at Albury Vineyard

Event Posted 5 years ago
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Albury Vineyard
Christmas Shopping
Saturday 30th November 2019 to Sunday 1st December 2019
Albury Vineyard, Surrey, GU5 9BW
Festive Fizz & Christmas Shopping Weekend at Albury Vineyard

Festive Fizz & Christmas Shopping Weekend at Albury Vineyard

Visit us on Saturday 30th November & Sunday 1st December (11am – 4pm) for our Christmas Shopping Weekend! Browse our beautiful selection of wine gifts, and stock up on fizz for Christmas. Our wine bar will be open for you to enjoy a glass or two of our award-winning sparkling wine and new Christmas Spritz cocktail, the perfect addition to any shopping experience! And if we are fortunate to have a lovely, dry Winter’s day then why not enjoy a stroll around the vineyard? Our self-guided tour is free to do and a great way to find out more about us.

Don’t miss out on our festive offers! We will be offering £20 off cases of Albury Estate sparkling wine on the day, a great excuse to celebrate Christmas with English bubbly this year.

Well behaved dogs on leads are welcome in the outside areas. Please wear suitable footwear as the vineyard and car park is muddy at this time of year.

No need to buy tickets for this event and entry to the vineyard is free. While you’re here, why not also visit our neighbours at Silent Pool Distillery, Mandira’s Kitchen and Norbury Blue Cheese. They will all be open to visitors on this day ensuring a magical and festive atmosphere for your visit to the Silent Pool.

Can’t make this open day? Buy wine for Christmas online and we will deliver it to you! www.alburyvineyard.com/collections/shop

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