Festive Thali in the Gazebo hosted by Mandira’s Kitchen

Festive Thali in the Gazebo hosted by Mandira’s Kitchen

Event Posted 4 years ago
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Mandira's Kitchen
Supper Club
Friday 11th December 2020 to Wednesday 23rd December 2020
Mandira's Kitchen, Silent Pool, Shere Road, Guildford
Festive Thali in the Gazebo hosted by Mandira’s Kitchen

Festive Thali in the Gazebo hosted by Mandira’s Kitchen

We have several festive thali events in the gazebo.

Come and join us in the run-up to Christmas in our gazebo for a cosy tier-two-friendly supper club!

We’ve put together a three-course menu with some of our favourite dishes, which we will be serving together with an Albury wine cocktail and a Silent Pool G&T (and our bar will be open if anyone wants a refill).

A Festive Thali in the Gazebo experience is available from 6pm to 8pm on December 16, 17, 18, 21, 22 and 23 at a cost of £300 for a table of six.

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