MVR 2023 Spring Walks Festival

Event Posted 2 years ago
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Mole Valley Ramblers
Outdoor guided walks
Saturday 22nd April 2023 to Monday 1st May 2023
MVR 2023 Spring Walks Festival

MVR 2023 Spring Walks Festival

Perhaps you’re feeling a little jaded after the long winter?

We have the perfect antidote! Mole Valley Ramblers warmly invites you to join them, to witness first-hand the spectacular arrival of spring in our sublime local countryside. Surrey is blessed with miles of footpaths, bewitching woodland and divine scenery. The Mole Valley Area is particularly fortunate to be located in the heart of this glorious countryside. Recapture your passion for adventure and fun by accompanying this welcoming and sociable group on one of their free guided walks.

This agreeable, friendly and healthy leisure pursuit is open to anyone. With just a few basic items like sensible clothing, footwear, plus a snack and some water you can get started. The walks are graded as leisurely, moderate or strenuous so you are guaranteed to find a walk to suit you.

We have created an exciting 10 day programme with over 30 walks. On each day, there is to be a selection of 3 or 4 different routes differing in length between 3 and 15 miles. The walks also vary in difficultly so there should be something to satisfy everyone from the most experienced walker to the complete novice. There is no need to pre-book. Just check the website to establish the starting time and location and turn up. On arrival, one of our team of experienced and knowledgeable volunteer walk leaders will greet you, take your details then introduce you to the rest of the walkers.

A few of the walks will include a stop at a pub or a café and perhaps even a music venue. Others will simply have a drink and or a picnic break. We are planning a walk/rail combination, a night time hike, a nature trail, a ‘follow the mole’ trail, a riverside walk. This year, we are aiming to incorporate even more walks with quirky or unusual themes, to further enhance the experience and broaden the appeal.

There is even a 100 mile challenge and a Trig Point challenge for the more enthusiastic amongst us.

Please visit the Mole Valley Ramblers Association website for details.

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