Supporting Gen Z Conference

Supporting Gen Z Conference

Event Posted 1 year ago
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MCR Pathways
Tuesday 21st November 2023
Ash Manor School, Manor Road, Ash, Aldershot GU12 6QH
Supporting Gen Z Conference

Supporting Gen Z Conference

This event will bring together charities, communities, stakeholders, and members of the public to learn about support available for young people across Surrey. Generation Z (Gen Z) are typically defined as those born between 1997 and 2012.

Disruption to education, job losses, financial uncertainty, and social isolation have all weighed heavily on this generation’s shoulders. Many have also experienced domestic trauma, and we now recognise these adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can have lasting, negative effects on health, wellbeing, and life opportunities, which can persist well into adulthood.

Join this event on Tuesday November 21st to learn about what charities and community groups are doing to help our young people thrive.

The Supporting Gen Z Conference will include presentations from MCR Pathways, Kooth and Catch 22, and there will be plenty of opportunity to talk with others and network.

This event is free and places can be reserved through eventbrite ( or by emailing

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