Pick Your Own this Autumn at Garsons Farm, Esher

Published 21 Sep 2019
Updated 30 Jun 2022
Surrey Feature

Pick Your Own this Autumn at Garsons Farm, Esher

Studies say that just 20 minutes in nature reduces stress, makes you feel happy and psychologically restored. So, as the weather becomes Autumnal, the trees are changing from green to shades of red and orange, what better activity than to wrap up and spend some time outdoors.

Garsons Farm is a family run business that was established in 1871. The large and modern shop is filled with high quality garden supplies, furniture, clothing and gifts. Their vast Christmas shopping area will be opening very soon and is divided up into different styles for the discerning shopper.

The garden centre just touches the surface of what Garsons Farm has to offer. Beyond the car park are the expansive fields that yield both vegetable and fruit crops as well as flowers. The farm used to provide fruit and vegetables to London markets back in the Victorian era and through the opportunity to ‘Pick Your Own’ there is a feeling of sharing in its heritage and history.

A large sign greets visitors at the farm’s entrance with the names of the seasonal crops that are on offer. As you drive around the clearly signposted farm, simply look out for the fruit or vegetables that appeal to you. Even if you don’t want to pick the crops, it is a wonderful opportunity to wander and enjoy the farmland.

The wide expanse of the fields that are home to root vegetables are a wonder in themselves. The sheer variety of squash are enough to tempt you with their vibrant colours. From the red “Turk’s Turban” to the blue “Crown Prince”, you would be surprised about the amount of time you could linger looking at different types of squash. As we approach October the farm’s pumpkins will soon be available to pick, making it the perfect opportunity to get ready for Halloween.

A popular area for families is unsurprisingly the strawberries and raspberries. Rows upon rows of sweet, delicious berries provide the perfect treat to bring home with you. The height at which they grow are ideal for children to help get involved in the picking.

Garsons Restaurant is a must see before leaving. The food counter stands in the middle of the modern and spacious restaurant with a tempting array of cakes, pastries, sandwiches and much more. There are hot food options should you wish to linger a little longer– and after seeing the freshly grown produce on offer outside, how could you resist? You really don’t get much fresher than straight off the farm and onto your plate.

Garsons Farm really is the place to return to nature. It is a way to reconnect with seasonal produce and return to the lost art of cooking with food that has been freshly picked by you. All you need to do next is prepare your meal and serve it up with huge dollop of pride.

Visit Garsons Farm at Winterdown Road, Esher, Surrey, KT10 8LS or pop online at www.garsons.co.uk.

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